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3 Components of Content Marketing Strategy You Shouldn't Ignore

Content marketing is the fuel for the overall digital marketing campaign. Regardless of where you are in terms of success, your company needs to have a robust content marketing strategy upon which you can lay the foundation for your other digital marketing strategies. Content marketing is directly linked with your communication and PR strategy and that is why it is one of the most important strategies for you to have in the early days of your business. Here we are going to talk about 3 components of a successful content marketing strategy that can help you gear up for improved profitability.

Customer Personas

Customer personas are comprehensive documents that define the following about your target customers:
        Demographics including age, gender, family status, job role, location, and education.
        Behavioral and cultural traits including media preferences, consumer needs, cultural influences, buying behavior, and personal goals and values.
This information is absolutely crucial in the beginning days of your business formation. It will allow you to know your customer better and hence build a content strategy that best goes with your consumer personas.
There are a number of ways through which companies collect data about their customers. Online Web surveys and social media surveys are one of the things that can help you get quick customer data upon which you can build the foundation for your content marketing strategy

Market research

Another important component of a content marketing strategy is market research. This is significantly different from the customer research that you would do in the first step of this process. While customer search helps you learn more about the potential customers, the market research helps you learn more about the market that you will be selling your services in. Both things matter tremendously because they are dependent on each other.
 Lack of customer data can impact your strategy (and not just content marketing strategy) and keep you in the dark about what your customers really want. This can ultimately impact your profitability in the near future.  So what you want to make sure is that conduct your market research based on the information you have acquired through your customer research.
The purpose of market research is to understand the market where your customers will be served. You need to take into account the factors that can readily impact your product placement in that specific market.

Competitor research

Competitor research is another important ingredient of a content marketing strategy that allows you to see how your direct competitors have positioned themselves through their content strategies. This is absolutely important when it comes to content strategy as it allows you to see what keywords your competitors are using and how these keywords are helping them rank higher in the search engine.
Based on this research, you will be able to see the top trending keywords and how they are impacting the ranking of your competitors business. You need to plan your keyword strategy around these top trending keywords.
It is important to note that all the above-mentioned steps have to be done in a systematic manner in order to reap the full benefits.


It's never too late to redefine your content strategy. As things are always evolving in the digital marketing world, it is important that you are able to encompass the latest tool and techniques into your overall content marketing campaign. A professional digital marketing expert can readily help you build a content strategy that will not only change your current company standing in terms of content but also allow you to stand the test of time against all your direct and indirect competitors. 
